Definition of Procedure Text

There are three definition about procedure text : (1)Texts that explain how something works or how to use instruction / operation manuals e.g. how to use the video, the computer, the tape recorder, the photocopier, the fax. (2) Texts that instruct how to do a particular activity e.g. recipes, rules for games, science experiments, road safety rules. (3) Texts that deal with human behavior, e.g how to live happily, how to succeed

Purpose of Procedure Text

– To explain/tell (the reader) how to make/operate/do something through a sequence of actions or steps.
– To explain steps/instruction to make/operate/do something

  Structure Procedure Text

  • Goal/Aim : contains the intent and purpose of the related procedure text.
  • Materials : contains the materials needed to perform the steps of a procedure text. 
  • Steps : a sequential list of steps to complete a procedure text. 
  • Result : the result of the steps that have been carried out.

characteristics of procedure text :

  1. Using the simple present tense 
  2. Use imperative sentences (command sentences). Example: add two spoons, cook on low heat, grind the spices, etc.
  3. Use action verbs. Example: add, drop, rotate.
  4. Using numbering. Example: first, second, third.
  5. Use conjunctions (connective words). Example: next, then, while.
  6. Using adverbs (adverbs) to explain the path traversed. Example: right, carefully, slowly, for 2 minutes, etc.
 Procedure Text Types :
  •  Procedure text that explains how to operate/use something. For example, how to use a camera, how to use a rice cooker. 
  •  Procedure texts that provide instructions for performing certain activities. For example, how to play the guitar, how to make brownies. 
  •  Procedure texts related to tips for living life. For example how to be successful in life, how to make yourself happy   

Examples of Procedure Text:


– 2 spoons of sugar
– one spoon of coffee powder
– hot water
– a cup
– a spoon

1. Prepare two spoons of sugar, a cup, hot water, one spoon of coffee powder, a spoon.
2. Put one spoon of coffee powder into the cup.
3. Pour some hot water into the cup.
4. Add 2 spoons of sugar into a cup of coffee
5. Stir it well and the hot coffee is ready to drink


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